
Welcome Dear Researcher.

This web page presents the results of the ongoing research of reported vulnerabilities in Android Operating System, studied by Mario Linarez Vasquez, Gabriele Bavota, Sandra Rueda, MSc. Student Camilo Escobar Velásquez, Msc. student Alejandro Mazuera Rozo and Msc. student Jairo Bautista Mora.

As background for this research, there are some security bulletins published monthly in the android source code webpage, that presents the information of the most recent vulnerabilities found on the operating system. Using that information, the vulnerabilities are clasified by the researchers using the categories presented in the CVE database.

In the next section you will be able to find the data used in the different stages of the research, this information is presented in three ways. First, raw data obtained from the android security bulletins; Second, a table with the vulnerabilities with the clasification added by the researchers; Third, a set of visualizations made in order to get insights from the data. Nevertheless, some stages are defined by the publication of a paper, therefore each stage has its own page where the results or the paper are presented.


Resource Id Description Resource Web Page All Data Scripts List of Vulnerabilities Visualizations
MSR2017 - paper An Empirical Study On Android-Related Vulnerabilities. In proceeding of the 14th International Conference on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'17) (May 20-21, 2017. Buenos Aires, Argentina). All data available was mined from the official Android bulletins and the CVE-details portal up to November 2016.
EMSE - submission The Android OS Stack and its Vulnerabilities: An Empirical Study. Under review at Empirical Software Engineering. All data available was mined from the official Android bulletins, the CVE-details portal, and the NVD database up to August 2017.